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Most Popular Volvo Spare Parts

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For the shopping of best quality Volvo Spare Parts in South Africa, our price comparison service fits the bill and sticks out from the crowd in South Africa. This top-notch price comparison service offers you services galore for getting the finest quality used car spare parts online.

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At whatever time you are to buy the finest quality Volvo spare parts avail our top-notch online price comparison that is second to one. No doubt, this top-notch price comparison service is direly needed as you can access top quality Volvo Spare Parts in South Africa under a conducive modus operandi.

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History of Volvo in South Africa

Founded in 1927 in Sweden, Volvo is a reliable name in auto manufacturing and engaged in designing iconic and robust vehicles. Due to biased attitude of local agents of South Africa, most of the Volvo owners left the country. Whole world was imposing sanctions on South Africa. Volvo again jumped into its market in 1981 and regarded now as a reliable name in auto manufacturing.

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Replacement Volvo Engines

Engine Code Fuel Engine Size Horse Power KW Models Year Range Get Quote
B 3154 T Petrol 1.5 156 HP 115 KW XC40 2018 - 2019
B 3154 T10 Petrol/Hybrid 1.5 129 HP 95 KW XC40 2020 - continue
B 3154 T2 Petrol 1.5 163 HP 120 KW XC40 2019 - continue
B 3154 T5 Petrol/Hybrid 1.5 194 HP 143 KW XC40 2019 - continue
B 3154 T7 Petrol 1.5 163 HP 120 KW XC40 2019 - continue
B 3154 T9 Petrol 1.5 129 HP 95 KW XC40 2019 - continue
B 4154 T2 Petrol 1.5 152 HP 112 KW V40 2015 - 2018
B 4154 T3 Petrol 1.5 122 HP 90 KW V40 2015 - 2018
B 4154 T4 Petrol 1.5 152 HP 112 KW S60 2015 - 2018
B 4154 T5 Petrol 1.5 122 HP 90 KW S60 2015 - 2018
B 4154 T6 Petrol 1.5 122 HP 90 KW V40 2018 - continue
B 4164 S Petrol 1.6 105 HP 77 KW S40 1995 - 1999
B 4164 S2 Petrol 1.6 109 HP 80 KW S40 1999 - 2003
B 4164 S3 Petrol 1.6 100 HP 74 KW C30 2006 - 2012
B 4164 T Petrol 1.6 180 HP 132 KW S60 2010 - 2015
B 4164 T2 Petrol 1.6 180 HP 132 KW S60 2011 - 2015
B 4164 T3 Petrol 1.6 150 HP 110 KW S60 2010 - 2015
B 4164 T4 Petrol 1.6 120 HP 88 KW V40 2013 - 2015
B 4184 S Petrol 1.7 115 HP 85 KW S40 1995 - 1999
B 4184 S11 Petrol 1.8 125 HP 92 KW C30 2006 - 2012
B 4184 S2 Petrol 1.8 116 HP 85 KW S40 2001 - 2003
B 4184 S3 Petrol 1.7 115 HP 85 KW S40 1995 - 1999
B 4184 S8 Petrol 1.8 125 HP 92 KW C30 2007 - 2012
B 4184 S9 Petrol 1.8 122 HP 90 KW S40 1999 - 2004
B 4184 SJ Petrol 1.8 122 HP 90 KW S40 2001 - 2003
B 4184 SM Petrol 1.8 125 HP 92 KW S40 1998 - 2003
B 4194 T Petrol 1.9 200 HP 147 KW S40 1997 - 2000
B 4194 T2 Petrol 1.9 200 HP 147 KW S40 1997 - 2000
B 420 T Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 299 HP 220 KW S60 2021 - continue
B 420 T2 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 250 HP 184 KW S60 2021 - continue
B 420 T3 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 163 HP 120 KW S60 2021 - continue
B 420 T6 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 197 HP 145 KW S60 2021 - continue
B 4204 S Petrol 2.0 136 HP 100 KW S40 1995 - 2003
B 4204 S2 Petrol 2.0 136 HP 100 KW S40 1995 - 2003
B 4204 S3 Petrol 2.0 145 HP 107 KW C30 2006 - 2012
B 4204 S4 Petrol 2.0 146 HP 107 KW C30 2010 - 2012
B 4204 T Petrol 2.0 160 HP 118 KW S40 1997 - 2003
B 4204 T11 Petrol 2.0 253 HP 186 KW S60 2016 - 2018
B 4204 T14 Petrol 2.0 247 HP 182 KW XC40 2017 - 2021
B 4204 T15 Petrol 2.0 220 HP 162 KW S60 2014 - 2018
B 4204 T17 Petrol 2.0 122 HP 90 KW V40 2015 - continue
B 4204 T18 Petrol 2.0 250 HP 184 KW XC40 2017 - continue
B 4204 T19 Petrol 2.0 190 HP 140 KW S60 2015 - 2018
B 4204 T2 Petrol 2.0 165 HP 121 KW S40 2000 - 2001
B 4204 T20 Petrol 2.0 249 HP 183 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T21 Petrol 2.0 190 HP 140 KW V40 2014 - continue
B 4204 T23 Petrol 2.0 253 HP 186 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T26 Petrol 2.0 250 HP 184 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T26P Petrol 2.0 253 HP 186 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T27 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 320 HP 235 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T28 Petrol 2.0 405 HP 298 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T29 Petrol 2.0 310 HP 228 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T29P Petrol 2.0 326 HP 240 KW XC60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T3 Petrol 2.0 163 HP 120 KW S40 2001 - 2003
B 4204 T31 Petrol 2.0 190 HP 140 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T31P Petrol 2.0 210 HP 155 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T32 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 238 HP 175 KW S60L 2015 - 2019
B 4204 T33 Petrol 2.0 152 HP 112 KW V40 2015 - 2018
B 4204 T34 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 303 HP 223 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T35 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 334 HP 246 KW S60 2020 - continue
B 4204 T37 Petrol 2.0 152 HP 112 KW S60 2015 - 2018
B 4204 T38 Petrol 2.0 122 HP 90 KW V40 2015 - continue
B 4204 T39 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 420 HP 309 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T4 Petrol 2.0 173 HP 127 KW S40 2002 - 2003
B 4204 T41 Petrol 2.0 245 HP 180 KW V40 2014 - continue
B 4204 T43 Petrol 2.0 367 HP 270 KW S60 2015 - 2018
B 4204 T44 Petrol 2.0 190 HP 140 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T45 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 253 HP 186 KW XC60 2021 - continue
B 4204 T46 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 253 HP 186 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T47 Petrol 2.0 190 HP 140 KW XC40 2018 - continue
B 4204 T48 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 318 HP 233 KW S60 2019 - continue
B 4204 T49 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 334 HP 246 KW XC60 2021 - continue
B 4204 T5 Petrol 2.0 200 HP 147 KW S40 2000 - 2003
B 4204 T6 Petrol 2.0 203 HP 149 KW S60 2010 - 2011
B 4204 T7 Petrol 2.0 240 HP 177 KW S60 2010 - 2014
B 4204 T9 Petrol 2.0 306 HP 225 KW S60 2015 - 2018
B 5202 FS Petrol 2.0 126 HP 93 KW S70 1997 - 2000
B 5202 S Petrol 2.0 126 HP 93 KW S70 1997 - 2000
B 5204 F Petrol 2.0 143 HP 105 KW S70 1997 - 2000
B 5204 T Petrol 2.0 210 HP 155 KW S70 1997 - 2000
B 5204 T2 Petrol 2.0 180 HP 132 KW C70 1998 - 2005
B 5204 T3 Petrol 2.0 226 HP 166 KW C70 1998 - 2005
B 5204 T4 Petrol 2.0 163 HP 120 KW C70 2000 - 2005
B 5204 T5 Petrol 2.0 180 HP 132 KW S60 2000 - 2010
B 5204 T8 Petrol 2.0 180 HP 132 KW S60 2012 - 2015
B 5204 T9 Petrol 2.0 214 HP 157 KW S60 2013 - 2015
B 5234 T3 Petrol 2.3 239 HP 176 KW C70 1998 - 2005
B 5234 T4 Petrol 2.3 250 HP 184 KW S70 1997 - 2000
B 5234 T7 Petrol 2.3 265 HP 195 KW S60 2000 - 2002
B 5234 T8 Petrol 2.3 265 HP 195 KW V70 1998 - 2000
B 5234 T9 Petrol 2.3 245 HP 180 KW C70 2002 - 2005
B 5244 S Petrol 2.4 170 HP 125 KW C70 1999 - 2002
B 5244 S2 Petrol 2.4 140 HP 103 KW S60 2000 - 2010
B 5244 S4 Petrol 2.4 170 HP 125 KW C30 2006 - 2012
B 5244 S5 Petrol 2.4 140 HP 103 KW C70 2006 - 2009
B 5244 SG Petrol 2.4 140 HP 103 KW S60 2001 - 2010
B 5244 SG2 Petrol 2.4 140 HP 103 KW S60 2001 - 2010
B 5244 T Petrol 2.4 193 HP 142 KW C70 1998 - 2005
B 5244 T2 Petrol 2.4 265 HP 195 KW V70 1999 - 2000
B 5244 T3 Petrol 2.4 200 HP 147 KW S60 2001 - 2010
B 5244 T4 Petrol 2.4 180 HP 132 KW S60 2005 - 2006
B 5244 T5 Petrol 2.4 260 HP 191 KW S60 2004 - 2010
B 5244 T7 Petrol 2.4 200 HP 147 KW C70 2002 - 2005
B 5252 FS Petrol 2.4 144 HP 106 KW S70 1997 - 2000
B 5254 FS Petrol 2.4 170 HP 125 KW V70 1995 - 2000
B 5254 S Petrol 2.4 170 HP 125 KW C70 1998 - 2005
B 5254 T Petrol 2.4 193 HP 142 KW C70 1998 - 2005
B 5254 T10 Petrol 2.5 231 HP 170 KW S80 2010 - 2012
B 5254 T11 Petrol 2.5 231 HP 170 KW S80 2010 - 2011
B 5254 T12 Petrol 2.5 254 HP 187 KW S60 2015 - 2018
B 5254 T14 Petrol 2.5 249 HP 183 KW S60 2015 - 2018
B 5254 T2 Petrol 2.5 210 HP 154 KW S60 2002 - 2010
B 5254 T3 Petrol 2.5 220 HP 162 KW C30 2006 - 2012
B 5254 T4 Petrol 2.5 300 HP 221 KW S60 2003 - 2010
B 5254 T5 Petrol 2.5 253 HP 186 KW S60 2012 - 2015
B 5254 T6 Petrol 2.5 200 HP 147 KW S80 2006 - 2009
B 5254 T7 Petrol 2.5 250 HP 184 KW C30 2007 - 2013
B 5254 T8 Petrol 2.5 200 HP 147 KW S80 2008 - 2011
B 5254 T9 Petrol 2.5 209 HP 154 KW XC CLASSIC 2014 - 2017
B 6244 FS Petrol 2.5 179 HP 132 KW S90 1996 - 1997
B 6254 FS Petrol 2.5 170 HP 125 KW S90 1996 - 1998
B 6284 T Petrol 2.8 272 HP 200 KW S80 1998 - 2001
B 6294 S Petrol 2.9 200 HP 147 KW S80 1999 - 2006
B 6294 S2 Petrol 2.9 196 HP 144 KW S80 1998 - 2008
B 6294 T Petrol 2.9 272 HP 200 KW S80 2001 - 2006
B 6304 GS Petrol 2.9 204 HP 150 KW S90 1997 - 1998
B 6304 S2 Petrol 2.9 184 HP 135 KW S90 1996 - 1998
B 6304 S3 Petrol 2.9 204 HP 150 KW S80 1998 - 2006
B 6304 T Petrol 3.0 305 HP 224 KW S80L 2010 - 2015
B 6304 T2 Petrol 3.0 286 HP 210 KW S80 2007 - 2010
B 6304 T3 Petrol 3.0 329 HP 242 KW S60 2014 - 2015
B 6304 T4 Petrol 3.0 329 HP 242 KW S60 2014 - 2015
B 6304 T5 Petrol 3.0 351 HP 258 KW S60 2014 - 2018
B 6324 S Petrol 3.2 241 HP 177 KW S80 2009 - 2010
B 6324 S2 Petrol 3.2 228 HP 168 KW V70 2009 - 2010
B 6324 S4 Petrol 3.2 233 HP 171 KW S80 2010 - 2011
B 6324 S5 Petrol 3.2 243 HP 179 KW S80 2010 - 2012
B 8444 S Petrol 4.4 316 HP 232 KW S80 2006 - 2012
B1APHEV Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 320 HP 235 KW XC90 2015 - 2018
B3154T2 Petrol 1.5 163 HP 120 KW XC40 2019 - continue
B3154T4 Petrol 1.5 150 HP 110 KW XC40 2020 - continue
B4204T12 Petrol 2.0 245 HP 180 KW S60L 2015 - 2019
B4204T14 Petrol 2.0 247 HP 182 KW XC40 2020 - continue
B4204T18 Petrol 2.0 252 HP 185 KW XC40 2019 - continue
B4204T26 Petrol 2.0 250 HP 184 KW S60 2019 - continue
B4204T34 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 303 HP 223 KW S60 2019 - continue
B4204T35 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 320 HP 235 KW S90 2018 - continue
B4204T47 Petrol 2.0 190 HP 140 KW XC40 2019 - continue
B4204T50 Petrol 2.0 163 HP 120 KW S60 2019 - continue
B4204T51 Petrol 2.0 190 HP 140 KW XC40 2019 - continue
B4204T6 Petrol 2.0 203 HP 149 KW S80L 2010 - 2013
C583Q Petrol 2.5 209 HP 154 KW XC CLASSIC 2014 - 2017
CAF488Q1 Petrol 2.0 146 HP 107 KW S40 2009 - 2011
CAF488Q3 Petrol 2.0 146 HP 107 KW S40 2009 - 2011
D 4162 T Diesel 1.6 115 HP 84 KW C30 2010 - 2012
D 4164 T Diesel 1.6 109 HP 80 KW C30 2006 - 2012
D 4192 T Diesel 1.9 90 HP 66 KW S40 1995 - 1999
D 4192 T2 Diesel 1.9 95 HP 70 KW S40 1999 - 2000
D 4192 T3 Diesel 1.9 115 HP 85 KW S40 2000 - 2003
D 4192 T4 Diesel 1.9 102 HP 75 KW S40 2000 - 2003
D 420 T2 Diesel/Hybrid 2.0 235 HP 173 KW S90 2020 - continue
D 420 T8 Diesel/Hybrid 2.0 197 HP 145 KW V90 CROSS COUNTRY 2020 - continue
D 4204 T Diesel 2.0 136 HP 100 KW C30 2006 - 2012
D 4204 T11 Diesel 2.0 232 HP 171 KW S60 2015 - 2018
D 4204 T12 Diesel 2.0 200 HP 147 KW XC40 2019 - 2021
D 4204 T13 Diesel 2.0 120 HP 88 KW V40 2015 - 2018
D 4204 T14 Diesel 2.0 200 HP 147 KW S60 2015 - 2018
D 4204 T16 Diesel 2.0 150 HP 110 KW S90 2016 - 2018
D 4204 T2 Diesel 2.0 133 HP 98 KW S40 2005 - 2006
D 4204 T20 Diesel 2.0 120 HP 88 KW S60 2015 - 2018
D 4204 T23 Diesel 2.0 240 HP 177 KW S90 2019 - continue
D 4204 T4 Diesel 2.0 150 HP 110 KW S60 2015 - 2018
D 4204 T5 Diesel 2.0 181 HP 133 KW S60 2013 - 2015
D 4204 T6 Diesel 2.0 190 HP 140 KW XC90 2015 - 2018
D 4204 T7 Diesel 2.0 163 HP 120 KW S90 2018 - continue
D 4204 T8 Diesel 2.0 120 HP 88 KW S60 2015 - 2018
D 4204 T9 Diesel 2.0 150 HP 110 KW S60 2015 - 2018
D 5204 T Diesel 2.0 177 HP 130 KW C30 2010 - 2012
D 5204 T2 Diesel 2.0 163 HP 120 KW S60 2010 - 2014
D 5204 T3 Diesel 2.0 163 HP 120 KW S60 2010 - 2014
D 5204 T4 Diesel 2.0 177 HP 130 KW V40 2012 - continue
D 5204 T5 Diesel 2.0 150 HP 110 KW C30 2010 - 2012
D 5204 T6 Diesel 2.0 150 HP 110 KW V40 2012 - 2015
D 5204 T7 Diesel 2.0 136 HP 100 KW S60 2012 - 2015
D 5244 T Diesel 2.4 163 HP 120 KW S60 2001 - 2010
D 5244 T10 Diesel 2.4 205 HP 151 KW S60 2010 - 2011
D 5244 T11 Diesel 2.4 215 HP 158 KW S60 2011 - 2015
D 5244 T12 Diesel 2.4 181 HP 133 KW V60 2013 - 2015
D 5244 T13 Diesel 2.4 180 HP 132 KW C30 2006 - 2012
D 5244 T14 Diesel 2.4 175 HP 129 KW S80 2010 - 2011
D 5244 T15 Diesel 2.4 215 HP 158 KW S60 2011 - 2015
D 5244 T16 Diesel 2.4 163 HP 120 KW XC60 2008 - 2017
D 5244 T17 Diesel 2.4 163 HP 120 KW V60 2012 - 2015
D 5244 T18 Diesel 2.4 200 HP 147 KW XC90 2011 - 2014
D 5244 T19 Diesel 2.4 163 HP 120 KW S80 2006 - 2011
D 5244 T2 Diesel 2.4 130 HP 96 KW S60 2001 - 2010
D 5244 T20 Diesel 2.4 220 HP 162 KW XC60 2015 - 2017
D 5244 T21 Diesel 2.4 220 HP 162 KW S60 2015 - 2018
D 5244 T22 Diesel 2.4 220 HP 162 KW XC60 2015 - 2017
D 5244 T23 Diesel 2.4 230 HP 169 KW V60 2014 - 2015
D 5244 T3 Diesel 2.4 116 HP 85 KW S60 2003 - 2005
D 5244 T4 Diesel 2.4 185 HP 136 KW S60 2005 - 2010
D 5244 T5 Diesel 2.4 163 HP 120 KW S60 2005 - 2009
D 5244 T6 Diesel 2.4 122 HP 90 KW S60 2005 - 2006
D 5244 T7 Diesel 2.4 126 HP 93 KW S60 2005 - 2010
D 5244 T8 Diesel 2.4 180 HP 132 KW C30 2006 - 2012
D 5244 T9 Diesel 2.4 163 HP 120 KW C30 2006 - 2012
D 5252 T Diesel 2.5 140 HP 103 KW S70 1997 - 2000
D82PHEV Diesel/Hybrid 2.4 230 HP 169 KW V60 2012 - 2015
D87PHEV Diesel/Hybrid 2.4 163 HP 120 KW V60 2015 - 2018
D97PHEV Diesel/Hybrid 2.4 220 HP 162 KW V60 2015 - 2018
E400V1 Electric 112 HP 82 KW C30 2010 - 2012
E400V6 Electric 408 HP 300 KW XC40 2021 - continue
EAD3.1 Electric 408 HP 300 KW XC40 2020 - continue
ERAD2 Petrol/Hybrid 2.0 392 HP 288 KW S60 2019 - continue
GB 5252 S Petrol 2.4 144 HP 106 KW S70 1998 - 2000

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